This page will allow you to view any current and previous updates to the site. One full month's worth of current updates will be featured on this page, and will then be posted as past updates. From there, they will be showcased as regular text documents in archives, respectively posted to their months recorded in descending order.
September 08, 2016:
- SEVENTEEN avatars have been added, NINE of which are based off the winning characters from the Avatar Entry Event!
- Renamed the Avatar Categories to 'Avatar Directory.'
- Five new Avatar Directories have been added!
- Honorable Participation Awards will be sent out shortly to those who entered the event.
- The Tagboard has been upgraded to version 3 with Cbox Premium! Details can be found on the Tagboard itself.
- Fixed broken links found in directories for the Avatars section. (From the move between Krescentmoon to Dragonebula.)
- Fixed broken links found in directories for the Believe in Your Dreams campaign. (Same issue.)
- Updated the Home page.
- Updated the Events page. (There are currently no events taking place.)
- Updated the site's compatibility for Google Chrome 53, Mozilla Firefox 48, Opera 39, Microsoft Edge 38.1, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.1.
- Updates for the months of June, July, and August have been archived.