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Name: Alex Livanos | Αλέξιος Λιβανός
Nationality: Greek | Ελληνικά
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 10, 1990 (Age 25)
Birthplace: New Jersey, United States
Residence: Florida, United States
Occupation: Ticket Agent
Short Bio: There's nothing terribly exciting about me that I think I need to go into great detail about. I graduated from high school in June of 2010, and I plan to attend college sometime in the future. I'd like to major in either sociology or environmental science, and minor in web and graphic design. I have two Pomeranians, and reside in sunny, but very humid Florida.
Interests: animé, Disney, drawing, Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e, Final Fantasy series, graphic design, Japanese culture, language and music, Kingdom Hearts series, The Legend of Zelda series, manga, MapleStory, photography, piano, The Sims series, singing, Star Wars, Studio Ghibli, Square Enix, web design
Stay Connected:
process cyan, blue, turquoise, green, purple, white
Foods: spanakopita, tiropita, Gardein products, Boca products, Red Lobster biscuits, Olive Garden
breadsticks, baklava, pizza, calzone, stromboli, Chick-fil-A waffle fries
Drinks: Publix green tea, SoBe, AriZona green tea, Revolution
sweet ginger peach tea, chai tea latte (usually iced), stirred caramel macchiatto, mocha, green tea, sweet tea, McCafé Frappé Chocolate
Chip, tea with lemon, Blue Diamond vanilla & chocolate almond milk, ginger ale, apple juice, water
| Films | Television | Music Artists |
Fun Facts:
Height: 5'7"
Shoe Size: 9½
Ring Size: 10
Laterality: Right-handed cross-dominance
Fastest Typing Speed: 109 WPM
Fun Fact 1: I'm a perfectionist.
Fun Fact 2: I wear my watch on my right hand, even though I'm right-handed.
Fun Fact 3: I can snap better with my left hand.
Fun Fact 4: I always eat any side courses before the main dish.
Fun Fact 5: Crosses, stars, crescent moons and triangles are my favorite shapes and symbols.
Fun Fact 6: I've been singing since I was three years old, and also like to play piano. I've also previously played violin, recorder and clarinet. I'd like to pick up violin again someday.
Fun Fact 7: I've never left the country, and have only been up the east coast. The places I'd like to visit most are Athens, Mykonos, Santorini, Tokyo, Paris, St. Petersburg, London, San Francisco and Nassau.